Yale scientists may have accidentally cured baldness

10 years ago | Posted in: Health | 771 Views

Scientists were looking for a cure for arthritis. They may have found a cure for baldness due to massive hair growth caused by one drug they tested.

The test was done over eight months on a 25-year-old man. The man suffered from a condition that caused him to have barely any hair on his body. He grew a thick, full head of hair over the course of the study with no severe side effects.

Doctors in the same study went on to say “This is a huge step forward in the treatment of patients with this condition… We believe the same results will be duplicated in other patients, and we plan to try.” As always this will need more clinical trials before we can confirm it is safe. The drug is called tofacitinib citrate which is also used to treat arthritis and psoriasis.

The Internet teems with miracle hair growth formulas, so most people are skeptical about announcements like this. Testing by Yale gives it more validity than most drugs out there. The drug in the study is FDA-approved and is already in the product lineup of companies like Pfizer. If tests prove promising we will definitely see a big new brand in hair growth.

Source: Digital Journal 

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