Body Language can MAKE or BREAK an Interview

9 years ago | Posted in: Jobs | 1725 Views

A person was on the way for a job interview. His mind was captured by rehearsing the activities he had wrote in his CV, he was well-prepared and was confident enough that he could answer any question the interviewer might throw at him. He arrived at the office and waited for his turn. On his call, he gets into the interview room, walked slowly and smiled at the interviewers among them there was a psychologist along with 2 other interviewers. He sat down with cross legs, lean back to the chair, was continuously drumming his fingers and also involves the abrupt movement of hands. He was responding to every question exactly right even with an excellent vocabulary but at points his voice become shaky and look here and there while answering. Anyhow, he was done with the interview and the interviewers seem satisfied to him. He left the room with full confidence that he will surely get the job. With a 1 week delay, unfortunately he got a rejection letter. He was surprised to watch it.

Now, question arises why he was not selected although he had done brilliant in his interview and answered every question he was asked?

It is actually a game of body language, it is not about what he says instead it is about how he says it. Body language is a nonverbal communication which matters about 85% of your communication and it includes the way you enters in the office, the way you sits, your posture, the way you uses your voice while answering, your facial expression with every sentence and also your hand movements. Even many intelligent people who have done well in their academic career failed to pursue their professional career just because they have no control over their body language. It is observed that people with a good body language even if they are less intelligent are successful ones. This can also be seen in routine life like saying a harsh thing with a soft tone looks much better than saying a soft thing with a harsh tone.

Now, how you can overtake your body language which is specially a dire need of a job?

If you again look at the beginning story, you will better understand its importance. The way he entered in the office with smiling face was a good gesture, he sits on the chair with back lean against it which shows that he is less alert, then he was sitting with legs crossed which depicts his closed attitude or uncertainty, he was drumming his fingers continuously which shows his nervousness, his voice also gets shaky while talking which betrays a lack of confidence and he also avoids eye contact which signals deception in his attitude. He should have been selected if he had adopted an open posture rather than closed one or sitting with crossed legs, if he sits comfortably and lean slightly forward to depict his attentiveness. Instead of abrupt movement of hands, he should use it with a flow and with palms open which indicate his involvement in the conversation. Instead of stiffed posture, he should get his body bit relax.

Hence, when preparing for an interview it is not importance just to practice what you have to say but how you have to say. You do not know how you would appear to others, the best way is to practice in front of a mirror, another way is to have a video recording or ask friend to listen to you and give feedback. Even practicing with any pet is also effective. Just practicing 10 minutes every day will make you more confident and can cover that 85% of your communication during an interview.


By:  Sajeela Bakht 

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