Attain Equilibrium: Chase the Change

4 years ago | Posted in: Articles | 716 Views

Equilibrium is the profoundest tendency of all human activity.

                                                                             ― Jean Piaget,

Latin libra, the root word for equilibrium means balance. In celestial sphere, Libra is typically visualized as balance scales, which signifies parity in competing influences. The Equilibrium or balance has special connotations in every domain be it economics, biology or chemistry but in all of them it refers to the balance of competing influences. The nature has the tendency to find stability. In biology, it is homeostasis, our body uses feedback mechanism to regulate the change and to find the perfect balance. Everything in nature tends to revert and retain equilibrium. In economics, radical change is balanced by stakeholders to stable equilibrium.

Rudolf Arnheim says, “equilibrium is the very opposite of disorder”. Disorder can be managed by change which is indeed possible. Change is sustained only if the vital forces in our lives work coherently. Almost all in big blue marble and even beyond that has equilibrium-a natural pivot and a typical rhythm. Change is persistent within a fairly narrow frame, for instance if a player practices too hard, he will get injured. Sudden change breaks the normal working structure. Now, to achieve equilibrium change needs to be optimal. It’s all about balance, weight too far from fulcrum drags to the baseline.

Living systems do not like extreme settings. If one tries to change life all at once, he will be rapidly tugged back to the primeval patterns. On the other hand changing minor habits and patterns of routine day will cause subtle change subsequently system won’t collapse. Therefore, instead of radical change, the finest potential approach to attain equilibrium is through minor victories each day.

One needs to find that balance in life and if you rest on one side more, the equilibrium is lost. A normal individual tries to isolate work and life which makes it difficult to achieve balance. Instead, life needs to be approached as a whole; rather than arranging everything in discrete sections let each aspect of life gain strength from each other.

Well-proportioned work-life calls for letting go of control. A recent research proves that controlling mentality and suppressed emotions negatively influences the memory and increases stress. Life out of balance life is comparable to a constant battle.

Equilibrium is not a destination, but a constant journey. It is very much normal to be out  of balance from time to time as everything in the universe reciprocates to the normal rhythm. Do not approach it hastily; accept the smaller effects. Too much pressure makes us lose balance, it is better to take one-step-at-a-time. Do not fall for being perfect rather strive for optimal balance, only focus on moving forward.


by: Marria Ghalib


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