How to Create a Large Corporation Culture at Your Small Business

5 years ago | Posted in: Articles, Business | 1191 Views

If you have a small business, then growth should be your top priority. One of the ways to achieve this is by adopting a large corporation culture. However, many small businesses are confused about how to go about this. To help you plan for success and make sure you are getting the most out of your business assets, processes, and people, you need a solid plan. Here are 5 ways to improve your culture and generate better results for your company:


In today’s businesses, technology runs everything. You can’t have an effective business model if you don’t put your technology at the forefront of your values. People are more connected than ever and the businesses that excel are those who embrace this new way of doing business. One specific area you should focus on upgrading is how you do printing.

The printer cloud is a concept that enables your employees to print more documents of higher quality. Even with so much technology today, people need to constantly be printing things in order to deliver documents to clients, other employees, or shareholders. Having too many people on a network can really slow it down. When you leverage the power of a cloud computing printer system, multiple people can customize their solutions and get the documents they need in a hurry without sacrificing speed.

Hiring and Recruiting  

Employees are the lifeblood of your business. Without great people to carry out your vision, you will not go as fast and as far as possible. You need a systemic way to get the best and brightest into your company. Looking at how larger companies do this can be a great way to leverage your internal HR strengths.

For instance, most major companies today use some form of social media in order to get the attention of potential recruits. The key is to have a long term system that is constantly producing content so that it can be seen by as many potential hires as possible.

If you do this correctly, you can put your brand message out there. A lot of people will see it even before entering the workforce. With enough exposure to the right message, it will do a lot of the selling for you. That way, your hiring managers can be the buyers instead of the sellers and get more people hired without having to give up too much in return. This a key to massive growth of your workforce.


Sales is the thing that makes your company turn. Without revenue, you cannot pay off your expenses and invest in new opportunities. Large companies always have a clear and repeatable way to drive sales in their company. They never stop looking at their team’s performance and finding ways to improve it. If you don’t already have a sales manager on board, now is the time to get one.


Marketing has so many tools available today that you are really missing out if you do not leverage them. Instead of your team spending countless hours doing things by hand manually, you can automate much of your marketing. This puts the power of scale into your hands so that your only limitation is innovation.


No company today can afford to overlook security. All it takes is a few seconds on a keyboard for a hacker to gain entry to your systems. Invest in firewalls at a minimum to keep criminals at bay.

Long gone are the days where small businesses could compete by staying small. Today, even if you think small you need to act bigger than you are. You need to leverage technology, systems, and common best practices in order to ensure you are getting the best outcomes possible. So don’t miss out on the chance to grow and improve your culture. Use the tips above and enjoy having more productivity, happiness, and customer retention than ever before.

Bio:  Jeremy is a tech and business writer from Simi Valley, CA. He’s worked for Adobe, Google, and himself. He lives for success stories, and hopes to be one someday.

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