5 Attributes of Companies that Employees Want to Work For

6 years ago | Posted in: Latest Politics News | 1221 Views

With so many companies struggling to attract and retain top talent, the thought of becoming the ideal company that employees want to work for can seem intimidating. For some business owners, it might just take knowing what attributes successful companies have in common. Here are five attributes of companies that employees want to work for:

Contributing to the greater good: Everyone wants to feel like they have a greater purpose and are part of something bigger than themselves. Teams need to know what they are working to achieve on the micro-level and macro-level. Employees don’t want to be a part of a company that is simply in existence to generate cash. Employees want to be contributing to the efforts of a purpose that will have meaningful impact on the community and the world. A higher purpose for a company can be anything from a focus on helping the homeless get off the streets to providing educational opportunities for women in a third world country.

Challenging work: No employee wants to be required to come into work 8 hours a day when they can fulfill all of their tasks in one hour. People who are high achievers are looking to push themselves and stretch beyond what they previously thought was possible. It’s normal for humans to want a challenge and feel like they accomplished something everyday. Managers and C-suite members should be aware of the capabilities of everyone within the company and know how to take everyone to the next level.

Autonomy: There is a way to increase productivity without the need to increase a company’s level of micromanagement. Companies can increase productivity and accountability by enabling employees to have a sense of autonomy. Autonomy in the workplace means employees are able to make day-to-day decisions and can take ownership of projects they’re working on. A few ways to foster greater autonomy in the workplace include setting achievable goals that are clear, providing critical guidance during projects and key tasks, and giving fair feedback. Making the transition to a more autonomous workplace takes time and work but it can be done.

Comprehensive benefits: Employees want to feel like the company they work for is watching out for them as shown by the positive remarks left on Nu Skin company reviews. Making a comprehensive benefits plan available to all employees is a great way to attract and retain top talent. These perks can include a 401K plan, health insurance, and employee discounts on company products. Other benefits that are provided by desirable companies include a Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) and financial education. Employees are able to be empowered financially and feel more secure about the future they are trying secure for themselves.

Communication: Professionals of any industry don’t want to work for a company that doesn’t communicate effectively. Regardless of experience and education, employees don’t like feeling like they’re left in the dark or have no say in the organization they’re a part of. These issues can be solved by improving communication both horizontally and vertically within any organization. Companies can do this by being transparent with employees about different problems and issues that affect them. Companies can also improve communication by asking for suggestions and solutions.

With these five attributes in mind, companies can strive to be the best they can be while taking care of the best interests of their employees.


by: Vincent Stokes 

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