How Workplace Design Affects Human Resources

5 years ago | Posted in: Business | 716 Views

Your HR team is one of the most valuable parts of your business. You need to have the right strategies and tools to empower them to do their job better. If you don’t, you could risk slowing them down and making them less effective at their positions. This could have drastic effects on the rest of your company. One key area to consider is workplace design. It can have a major impact on your HR team. Here is what you should know:


Workplace design starts with software today. Technology is what runs most businesses, and you need to innovate and use the best tools and methods if you want to compete with the rest of your market. When your software is slow, then so is the human user. And this could not happen in a worse place than your HR department.

Have your programmers design your workplace, both digitally and design wise, to ensure that speed is of the essence. Apps should flow seamlessly. You shouldn’t have to waste minutes and hours, which add up, to send simple items or wait for a program to load. This is all time that HR could be adding more value to your bottom line.


All the best speed and technology in the world means nothing if your security is sacrificed. Therefore, workplace design incorporates proper security protocols. For instance, TCP layers of sockets on your network should not just receive any digital handshake. Each device on your network has a unique id. This includes employee computers and cell phones. Structure your security design to ensure that passwords and other authentication measures are required when HR is accessing sensitive data.


To be more efficient, you need to have a greater degree of integration of your apps and other documents for your HR department. Proper techniques will help ensure that they don’t have to jump back and forth between different parts of a program or their computers for a simple task. After all, each time they do this they are taking time away from their core task in your company.

Team Document Management

Not having the information you need at a critical time in a project can slow everyone down. This applies whether you are hiring more people, promoting a diversity campaign, or anything in between for that matter. That is why human resource document management is so crucial. It lets them send documents, verify them, and receive them without any kind of issue. It is all done in the cloud so they just have to sign in, click, and it works.

Communication Portals

Having a way to properly communicate with different channels is essential. If the workflow of HR is smooth and without issue, they can easily talk to marketing, sales, or legal personnel in an instant. This keeps communication levels high and speedy so nothing gets lost in translation.

Complaints and Legal Issues

Official channels to report issues that could lead to legal or other problems are a big one for your HR manager. They need a workplace design that allows them to understand, in very clear terms, what is a violation. With helpful guides and navigation on their software, this becomes intuitive rather than confusing.

Today, human resources professionals are tasked with a lot of different roles. Because they are asked to wear so many hats, you need to find ways to help them get more done in less time and with less stress. That way, you are preventing mistakes from happening that could pour over into other aspects of your business. So use the tips above and make sure that your workplace design is helping, not hurting, your employees as they carry out your mission.

by: Dennis Hung

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