Friendship is Love, Love is Friendship

10 years ago | Posted in: Breathing Words | 2342 Views

There will be times in your life that you have to ask for what you
want in order to get your own way.  It is not always easy because you
usually fear a refusal.   Accept the fact and not be upset by it.
That is the way of life.

Express what you want to make a difference in your life. If you are
not used to getting your own way, there might be feelings of guilt.
Never feel guilty if you get what you asked for. Accept it as your
right because more often than not, it is.

Saying NO to others may create a problem.  Ask yourself why you get
such request.  Either you are nice or others see you as “soft” or one
who get them out of difficulties.  Discern if help is really
necessary.  Learn to say NO once in a while.

There are times that you have to say NO and never worry if it will
make you unpopular. Don’t be pressured on doing  something you can’t
think clearly enough to refuse.  Just say NO in a friendly manner and
offer advice to help solve their own problems.

If you want to refuse something you do not want to do,  simply repeat
your refusal like a broken record until others gives in and accepts
your answer.

Yes, help others when in dire need.  But never allow them to exploit
you or walk all over you time and again. Set your limits.

No great praises from others can make you value yourself unless you
think and feel you deserve it.

NEVER be tired of showing kindness to others.  Let this be your
motivating virtue as you follow  your heart.

Take the ownership for the way you feel and what you want done about
it and keep it realistic.   Be true to yourself and to others.  Be

Express yourself more often to your friends and  never stifle whatever
ill feelings that bothers you.  Let it go and see it as an opportunity
to clear up a “sore point”.  Whatever issue at hand,  open up through
listening. Cherish and treasure friendship.

Beware of living up to the expectations of others saying that you
should or you must do things a certain way.  Speak your mind and
discern right from wrong.  Be honest to yourself.

A minor crack in your relationship with someone may end up a major
flaw unless you do something about it. Never take it for granted
otherwise it might explode in any given moment.  Give it your
undivided attention before it happens.  EXPRESS LOVE and let love!

Friendship becomes a very natural and relaxed journey if we feel free
to be ourselves.  There is no need for us to be something we are not
or to put on facade to try to impress other friends. Simply be
ourselves as we travel down memory lane

We are all fallible and we all make mistakes.  It is how we accept
mistakes,  learn from it and turn it into positive that makes life so

Speak your mind and express what you think and feel freely.  People
can’t read your mind and know what you want to tell them unless you
tell them.  Express not to impress.

Real and true friends are our reservoir of happiness.  We can talk
openly and honestly about our concerns, fears, needs and desires in
life.  They listen with open hearts without making value judgment
about us. Support and accept friends as they are

Never get into the level of ignoring your needs and desires of others,
even if some    are not at all concerned in you and your needs and
desires.  Reach out but set your limits and push to bring out the best
in others.

Never end up with people caught in or playing out a victim role.
Mingle with people who brings out the best in each other.  Grow and
aim for the best.

Try not to think about getting your own back on someone who has caused
you grief because it will only hurt you longer.  Let go of your

If you let others anger you they have won.  Count to three before you
respond.  Anger is near to danger.

If you dislike someone find the one thing you like.   Find merit and
focus on the positive side especially if you have no other choice but
to deal with the person.

Remember that you have a choice.  If you don’t feel good about
yourself,  this could also be by your own choice.  Shift your mindset
to positive attitudes.

Bitterness is like small puffs of air if we gather enough of it our
emotional balloon will burst.  If we let go of it when half full it
flies around the corner out of control.  Express and confront your
feelings and let go of all the bitterness inside of you

Everything you need is already in your life.  All you need is to stop,
look and listen to your heart.  Don’t miss the chance.   Appreciate
everything as you commune with nature barefooted. Be a child once in a

Live in harmony with people you love and the universe.  Move together
towards your highest dreams and ambitions but remember their destiny
is not really in your hands.  In the final analysis every man’s
destiny is in his own hands.

Your friends have lives of their own. They have hopes and fears, they
feel pride and shame, just as you do. If one of them is in bad mood,
it is not your fault



by:  Margie Gellor Villanueva

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